Child’s car restraints have been a hugely discussed topic for many years. When to move your child to forward facing, the kind of car seat, the brand and even the colour. However there is always one thing to remember, child car restraints save lives.
Under NSW legislation
- A child under four years of age cannot sit in the front row if there is more than one row of seats, even if they are large enough to fit in a booster seat.
- A child between four years of age and under seven years of age cannot sit in the front row if there is more than one row of seats, unless the other rows are occupied by younger children in approved child care seats.
Child up to and including the age of 12 are strongly recommended to continue to sit in the rear seats.
Some safety tips to observe are
- Buckle them up in an approved child’s car restraint or booster seat. Make sure that it the right size for the age and height.
- Check websites to be able to purchase the safest child’s car restraint. One know website is?https://www.childcarseats.com.au
- Contact an authorised restraint fitter to check and correctly install your child’s car restraint. They can also assist in helping you pick the car seat with the highest level of passenger protection. Baby Bunting offers this services at a cost.
- Just as your child’s shoes and clothing, as they grow their restraints will need replacing. There are many car restraints on the market that allow your child to grow with the restraints however please be sure to purchase the right one for you.
If you would like any further information on Child’s car restraints then please speak to one of the educators at your Spunky Monkeys Early Learning Centre and Preschool.