Summer is certainly here! We are seeing more days when the temperature is hitting 40+ degrees. Children don’t tend to suffer from the heat but there are some dangers we need to be aware of as parents to protect our children from extreme heat.
- Never leave a child alone in the car.?You may think you will duck in to do a quick errand and hope to be back to your car in minutes, this errand could take longer then expected, exposing your child to extreme heat. There is no safe time or temperature to leave your child alone in a car.
- Be aware of the signs of heat exhaustion.?When the body overheats it can cause heat exhaustion. With extreme heat and high humidity it makes it harder for sweat to evaporate and cool our bodies. Signs of heat exhaustion are:
- Muscle cramping
- Excessive sweating
- Cold, clammy skin
- Dizziness or weakness
- Fast pulse
- Vomiting
Drink plenty of water and ensure you are SunSmart this summer.
- Slip on sun protective clothing
- Slop of SPF30 or higher
- Slap on a hat
- Seek shade
- Slide on sunglasses.
It’s very important as parents that we role model to our children to be SunSmart. Children copy and learn from those around them.
Enjoy summer and the wonderful Australian weather we are so fortunate to have.