There has been a Measles warning for Sydney issued by NSW Health after four people have contracted the Measles virus during the month of March of 2016.
Two of these cases have presented to medical centres and hospitals in the Western Sydney area. NSW Health is asking that if anyone presents with the symptoms of the Measles to seek medical advice. If you are concerned that you may have contracted the virus please be sure to call ahead to the medical centre or hospital that you will be attending so they are away and are able to keep you away from other patients to help minimise the spread of the infection.
The Measles virus is highly contagious and is spread by airborne droplets which are spread by coughing and sneezing. The Measles virus firstly can present as a fever, sore throat and eyes, and a cough, followed three to four days later by the rash, which spreads from head and neck area down. If you would like to read more about the symptoms please click?here?to be directed to a NSW Health fact sheet.
At the age of 12 months and again at the age of 18 months children are given the MMR ( Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccination. The two vaccinations at these ages are required for lifelong protection.
Staying Healthy in Childcare advises that an exclusion period of four days after the onset of the rash is to be implemented in childcare, with the infectious period of the virus being four – five days before the rash appears.
If your child does present with any the symptoms listed above we urge you to get them checked over by a Doctor, and let the educators in your child’s centre aware. As Educators if we are made aware of any illness that your child is presenting with we are able to act quickly, advising any other parents if needed. ?If you have any questions about the Measles virus please speak to the Centre Coordinator of the Spunky Monkeys Early Learning Centre that your child attends. If the centre has been exposed to any cases a notice will be on display for all families to see.